time for a little smiling:

Diary 4/7/20

I send two photos- one of me visiting with a Kendal resident (from the larger community beyond the Care Center) who took the photo from outside my window standing six feet away. The other is what a proud Daddy sheltering at home helped his 4 month-old son, my grandson Max, to do, what with having time on their hands….

16 thoughts on “What we are Doing

  1. Dearest Judi, I lay in bed last night and was thinking of you. I never get your blog on my regular primary email and forget to look under social as there it does show up. I am so glad to read your words once again, knowing that you are ok. I saw your grandson!!! How precious!! It’s the best. Unfortunately, contact is only on WhatsApp, but that is also something to be grateful for. (WhatsApp). To stay in contact with loved ones. Sending much love, Annie


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